For any angler, choosing the right fishing gear is an extremely difficult and complex process. Deciding which hat to buy is probably the hardest part. Offering different models, types, lengths, stocks and brands makes it difficult even for trained fishermen.
To choose the right rod for you, you must keep in mind the following features:
- What fish do you want to catch?
- What technique will you use (spinning, float, feeder, jigging, trolling or other)?
- Will you fish from a boat or from the shore?
- What bait or bait will you use?
- Length, brand, build, etc.
We offer a large selection in different price categories. .In our fishing shop you can find an incredible variety of rods for almost any type of fishing and the latest models of the leaders in the production of fishing equipment Graphiteleader , Shimano , Daiwa , G-Craf t, Dragon , Xesta and others. It will be our pleasure for our team to help you choose every single item of your equipment. Do not hesitate to call us or write, we will answer any questions you may have.
If you have already chosen, order do not hesitate!
DAIWA Wise Stream
Price: €204.01
In stock
Price: €219.86
In stock
Shimano Trout One AS
Price: €204.01
In stock
Shimano Grappler BB Type LJ
Price: €193.78
In stock
Shimano Ocea Jigger SLJ
Price: €562.43
In stock
Shimano 21 Engetsu BB
Price: €193.78
In stock
Shimano Trout Rise
Price: €127.31
In stock
Shimano 20 Lunamis
Price: €423.87
In stock
Shimano Zodias
Price: €184.68
In stock
Promarine Super Light Jigging S662L 1.98m. Jig Max. 60g.
Price: €91.52
In stock
Shimano Exsence MB
Price: €659.58Out of stock
Price: €710.71
In stock
Price: €561.92
In stock
Shimano 24 OCEA Jigger LJ
Price: €592.60
In stock
G-Craft Mid River Limited Model MRLS-9102-TR 2.99m. Lure Max. 35g.
Price: €940.79Out of stock
Graphiteleader COMPATTO GCMS
Price: €393.19Out of stock
DAIWA Morethan Branzino EX AGS 94MMH 2.85 12-45g.
Price: €879.44Out of stock
Shimano CrossMission BB
Price: €204.01
In stock
Shimano Game Type LJ
Price: €408.53
In stock
Graphiteleader 23Calamaretti 23GCALS 862ML-HS 2.59m. egi:2-3.5
Price: €342.57
In stock
XESTA Black Star Extra Tuned S69ULX-S Full Range Controller 2.05m. 0.2-10g.
Price: €510.79
In stock
XESTA Black Star Extra Tuned LONG RANGE SWAYER S82MHX-S 2.50m. 1-28g.
Price: €562.43
In stock
Graphiteleader Calamaretti Prototype 24GCALPS
Price: €531.75
In stock
Graphiteleader PROTONE UX Slow Jigging
Price: €265.88
In stock